Wednesday 28 December 2016

Snow White

Walk in fairy tale 
Its been 6 years since i moved to Czech Republic. After spending 4 years in Finland, where having snow for few months is totally normal thing. If i would say not having sun light for few months would not be wrong either... 

However Czech Republic has a quite different weather than Finland. In the winter months from October to February snow is falling time to time. However its very rare that everything becomes covered in snow and than it stays white.

This year it was that rare moment when snow came and it covered everything. It just fell heavily on one day and still it was enough. If you have ever experienced snow you would know about this magic, but if you have not, than let me tell you. Its like suddenly everything becomes white. 

When you get out of the house after this heavy snow fall, the first difference you notice is that there is much more light and your eyes take few minutes to get use to it. As you recover from light in your eyes, you see that the blanket of snow has covered everything. The roads are white, the parked cars are white, the roof tops are white, whole park full of trees is white basically everything you can see becomes more or less white with snow.

So it was 24th December , Christmas eve as you may know it.  Normally there are 3 days off i.e 24,25 and 26th December. Since it was Saturday on 24th December so it was off anyways. From 24th life seems to comes to a halt. City becomes very quite as most of the student and people living here for jobs go back to there native towns for Christmas. Luckily enough for me, the ever so wonderful and efficient public transport MHD of Brno was still operating in full swing on 24th December.

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